-your kids race to get there homework done so they can see all the dead deer!
Yes, we had another little deer gathering last night. Kari and her gang came over around 6pm to check out all the blood and carnage. Our kids are pretty desensitized to the whole thing, even little O.J. When Kari first arrived OJ ran over to the dead, bloody deer with it's tongue hanging out and tried to step on it. There were about eight kids running around in the garage at one point, and as one of Steve's friends' put it "Holy Romper Room".
How many guys DOES it take to slaughter 4 deer? Well, we counted eleven, but some of them looked like drunken wallflowers hanging out far away from the actual work. One guy fell twice by the side of our garage where just last week I stored about 10 tomato cages:) they make great booby traps!
Sorry about giving some of you nightmares and near hurling lunch experiences, but this stuff is just too cool. Also, if we do have a bird flu outbreak you all know where to come. Steve, Jarrod and their possy won't let us starve!
CSI-Holland...bloody drag marks, splatter patterns, drunken witnesses, child involvement. What a crime scene! Really, I wish we could witness it. Ian would be fascinated. Maybe bring some deer meat to the cabin this summer. I think I ought to try it. Emmy
Wow---I said Holland. That takes me back. I meant PANAMA!!!! Em
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