Friday, March 28, 2008

On March 26th our beautiful blue parakeet "tweeters" died! His burial is tonight after the kids get home from school.
Steve bought him for me when we first started dating. We figured tweets to be at least 16 yrs. old.
This weekend I told the kids we would go pick out a new bird:) They said they want a puppy, but finally settled on a new parakeet. The kids will all be in school next year and I will work (maybe!) part-time so a dog is totally out of the question.
In other BIRD news... I am an insane woman!!! I have become addicted to bird-watching! These are my two bird feeders in the backyard, I want to buy more, but where I hang them is kind of limited because the squirrels have already broken two other feeders. They hang on them, chew on them and arrrgh!!! shatter them. So far
Steve's garage has been safe for the feeders, there are no close trees for the nasty little squirrels to leap to the roof and attack:)
This is kind of personal, but seriously, I get up each morning, grab the binoculars and watch the birds interact with one another. Steve thinks I'm weird because the feeders are only 20ft from the porch, but my eyes are crap and I like to see them up close. I get out my bird book and mark all the different birds that come to visit. It's very fascinating and the kids love it too! Even Ally is learning her birds. Our main visitors right now are goldfinch, purple finch, white-breasted nuthatch and juncos. I bought different bird books and the kids like "scholastics Audubon First Field Guide
BIRDS" They have them at Barnes along with Animals, Fish, Reptiles, Rocks, weather etc... These books have such great pictures and just a nice set to have! Well gotta go Ally wants to watch a movie now and I need to clean! FUN, FUN!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Steve is 37!!!!
This blog is lovingly dedicated to my wonderful husband of 14 years.

Steve and I have a LONG history. We went to grade school and high school together. We never even batted an eye at each other over all those years. We did have mutual friends, but Steve was such a rascal in grade school. He was the boy who spent most of his time in the hallway or in the principals office. He had a hard time in school and was often disruptive, your typical "class clown" He was diagnosed with dyslexia in first grade and transfered to my school in second grade. My school had a better special ed. program. He was just saying the other day that he was suprised he even graduated high school because his grades were so bad. After high school he joined the Navy and was shipped off to Saudi. The Gulf War changed him for the better. I wrote him a letter once while he was away. He still has that letter. I really don't know why I wrote him? Some friends of mine gave me the adresses of all the guys stationed overseas and Steve is the only one that I chose to write to, weird huh? After he returned we were at a friends wedding and he kept asking me to dance. He asked me why I never asked him out in high school? So I asked him out that very night, we went to Wayne's World:)

I am so proud of how much he has accomplished. He was recently promoted to shift supervisor at the power plant, most of the people he works with have college degrees! Steve is a great husband, friend and father.