Well it's that time of year again! Steve has two weeks off and is determined to get a monster buck this year.
I am finally getting into all the excitement that hunting season brings. Not being from a "hunting" family, it has taken some time.
Here is Steve, Ally and our Lab "Sadie" you can't see all the pheasants in this pic, but the guys did good last weekend. My kids all love hunting and even the girls can't wait to go with Daddy some day:) Zach can take hunter safety classes starting next year, he already goes out with Steve sometimes, but can't get his permit till he's 12. He even learned how to gut a deer last year, he turned white as a ghost, but he thought it was pretty cool.
Steve's garage is more like the slaughter house come Nov. He already got everything cleaned up and ready to start cutting up the deer. He usually gets around three and then all his friends bring theirs over and have a big deer processing party. I will definatley have to take pictures so you all will see what I have to go through! Although the beer drinking part is quite fun:) So seriously, if anyone wants to come out during the festivities just let us know.
Wish I could be there for the big processing/slaughter party. Sounds so fun! You have to post some pictures of that. Em
In lincoln for one week. November 18 through the 26th. See ya then.
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