Thursday, February 01, 2007

Ahhh, it's February...
Hunting season has sadly come to an end( Now our basement project is finally in full swing) Ally has been spending most of her days coloring, playing barbies and helping in the basement.
Steve and his buddies did all the framing, wiring, plumbing etc. I am in the process of putting in all the insullation, it's pretty easy, but itchy. When that's done the walls can go up and I will be painting and staining. I just seriously can't wait to have double the living space. No more toys in the living room, no more bedtime drama between Ally and Hayley, they will now have their own rooms. Pinch me, I must be dreaming. I'll keep taking pics to show our progress, it already looks different now from when I took the pictures two days ago. Ally's been doing her best to keep us motivated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so exciting! You will have so much room to roam. Ally is the best helper, I can tell. Love the hammer, girl!

ttyl, Em