Sunday, October 15, 2006

We went to the zoo a while back with some friends and just had to post this picture. There are a lot of new things at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, it was cool!


Anonymous said...

Yay! I can comment finally! First of all, Ally cracks me up. She looks like the boss, just like my Madsey.

Way to go, Zach & your team! That rocks, plus you may get to see some Olathians!

Also, I hate carrots that taste like dirt. What's up with that? I just recently bought some that tasted like that. Yuck!

More later, gater! Did NE win?

Anonymous said...

Kari and Audrey...change your comment moderation so I can comment. Please...Aud, an upadate would be nice too!
