I really hope Mom and MaryBeth are having a great time. I'm sure they will have awesome stories to tell. I can't wait until the day that us gals (in-laws included) can plan little getaways:} I guess the Kansas City trip is right around the corner! I can't wait!!!
When mom gets home Kari and I will be helping mom rearrange her sewing room. We thought it would be fun to set up all of our sewing machines over at her house. Then whenever we come over we can all work on stuff together. Also, when anyone else(grandkids, Gina, Audrey, Heidi, Christa, Em, or any of moms' sisters) wants to they can
use the room too.
It should be quite a laugh, at first, because neither me nor Kari really knows to much about quilting. I've worked on a few things by hand, but using the sewing machine is still awkward for me. Kari is even more newbie than me. We even thought about trying to make clothing for the girls:) This should be a great adventure, hopefully we don't laugh ourselves to death.
That pic makes me miss her so much!
you got teary didn't you, because i'm getting teary just thinking that you miss her:( Can you tell aunt flo is here?
What the heck are you talking about Audrey. When did mom get in an accident. I'm so out of the loop. Being the younger sib strikes again. AAARRRAGGGH!
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