Monday, November 12, 2007


Here is the latest member of our family:)

This big wooly booger was found near Steve's wood pile in his garage.

It is absolutely the biggest fuzzy caterpillar any of us has ever seen!!!

When it would crawl up my arm it felt like tiny needles poking into my skin! The kids thought it was cool!

Cinderella was rather inactive so I let Ally keep it in her sand pail. Alas, we came home from Grandma's last week and the thing escaped! We have not found it yet.

Just like the fairy tale Cinderella... Ally's may come back all transformed and beautiful some day?


Emily said...

That thing is huge!! Wooly Mammoth Wooly Caterpillar!

Anonymous said...

Alas!! BIG FUZZY CATERS means heavy snow... Could we have a good snow fall this year??