Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Yes, we're still alive!!!

Sorry for not blogging lately, I've been so busy that the computer has taken a back seat for awhile. I haven't taken any pictures in a long time either so I thought I'd just update on some happenings at the Hall house.
The kids go back to school tomarrow:) The summer sure went by fast, but man oh man am I ready for fall and winter to get here already! It has been so --- hot!!!
My garden is plentiful this year, I have tomatoes all over my counter, we can't give them away fast enough. I've already made two double batches of salsa and need to make more tomarrow night.
As most of you know Steve had surgery two weeks ago. Some how he developed an umbilical hernia, he thinks he over did it at the gym, but who knows with him? Steve still thinks he can do twenty year old stuff in his almost forty year old body. Poor guy. Now he can't lift, pull or push anything over 10 lbs. So I've been doing all the yard work, taking trash to the dump , trying to get stuff done in the basement etc... He took a week off from work and is recovering nicely. I've caught him trying to lift stuff, so I really have to nag him.
I gotta go, I'll try to blog more this fall! ttfn

1 comment:

Emily said...

Glad you are all doing great! Let's see some pictures!