It's been a crazy, fast summer and now that ALL
my kids are in school full-time I might blog a little more:)
June: Steve and I went to Minnesota with two of our dear friends.
July: We spent the whole month with family! Mom and Dad pool was busy! Emily and fam was here for the month. JR and Christa came up. It was just awesome!
August: Steve and I celebrated our 14th Anniversary:) We just got home Sunday from vacation. We went to Steve's company cabin on Lake McConaughy with our friends the Witkowski's and their kiddos. It was very relaxing.
School started yesterday and the kids came home with all sorts of fun stories. Ally started all day kindergarten and Hayley started Middle School.
I have lots of work to do: make salsa, freeze peaches from my peach tree, pick out new paint colors for my upstairs. Doing these things with no kids around will surely be way easier! Moms sewing room is calling my name though- I'm soooo torn:)