FALL IS ... Pretty flowers, fuzzy catepillars and wildlife wall murals???
Hello again! Life is fast and fun! We have been on the go go lately but try to have as much fun as we can along the way:) Ally has been collecting fuzzy catepillars, as you can see! They are her little friends and she makes homes for them, lets them crawl all over her, feeds them and yes, confides in them! She definately needs a new dog!!!
Don't you just love the life-sized mural? Steve totally loves it, I think it's a bit much, but he wanted a manly basement so I will live with it:) We are ordering carpet very soon and yeah! The basement will be done! On to the next project?
The beautiful flowers will soon be gone. We are suppose to have our first freeze this week! The boys (Zach, Luke and Liam ) had football yesterday and we froze our buttutties off!!! Especially Audrey who wore this skimpy tank top to the game, Tom had to make a Wal-mart run to get her a hat and sweatshirt! The north wind was brisk and all they had was instant coffee at the concession stand! BUMMER!
Everyone is getting sick!!! Ally had a bad cough with fever! I wasn't feeling all that great for a few days and now Zach has cough, sore throat and fever! I have been a prisoner of my home since Thurs. Calgon take me away!!! Zach's school said a virus has been going around and some kids have been absent 7-10 days- YIKES I'm making chicken noodle soup for dinner ALL IS GOOD!!! Later:)