Hola, from the Rocky horror picture show!!!
When I blogged last time, Steve had just gotten over his hernia surgery. He recovered nicely and was pretty much back to normal. He had some complaints of heartburn and stomach pain though.
Two weeks ago Steve went out of town and got really sick! He had to go to the ER. After a few tests and scans they found he had kidney stones.
They gave him some pain meds and told him to drink lots of water to flush them out. He was in horrible pain but started feeling better when he got back to Panama. We thought the worst was over but the day after he got home (Sat. 15th) he woke up early with severe groin pain and was hot, sweaty and vomiting! He could hardly talk he was in so much pain. I took him to the ER and more tests and scans showed that one of the stones was too large to pass through ( kidney stones form in the kidney and there is a very narrow tube that connects the kidney to the bladder. This narrow tube is where stones typically get stuck and the back up of urine causes intense pressure. Once the stones hit the bladder there is no pain. ) They kept Steve overnight and the stone still didn't budge. The doctor sent him home with strong drugs and (Wed. 19th) he had to go in for this shockwave treatment that broke up the stone (Picture) there was a lot of sandy stuff that came out too. Right after his treatment he peed bright red bloody urine! It was quite a week for us!
The doctor called us after steve's shockwave treatment and said Steve needed to come in for a consultation because his blood work came back and there was some concerns. To make a long story short Steve's blood calcium level is all out of whack and he must have surgery. He has a parathyroid tumor(NOT CANCEROUS) www.parathyroid.com they say once he has the surgery he will feel 10 yrs. younger! Calcium in your blood causes all kinds of bad symptoms and Steve has blood tests every year and his calcium has been elevated for many years, but no doctor has ever been concerned about it? Thank God for Steve's kidney stones! I will keep you updated on poor pin cushion Steve.