Tis the season!
Went Christmas shopping yesterday- BIG mistake! What was I thinking? Shopping on a Sunday around noon is not the best of times. Shopko has these huge semi-like carts and very narrow aisles, not a good combo. I tried to manuver around things, but ended up knocking many things over and making huge messes throughout the store.
I am laughing while typing this one:) While in the toy aisle this poor, frazzled woman came barrelling towards me, I tried to scoot my cart over as much as I could, but it was too late, she ran into the edge of my cart which made her cart scape against this huge yugi-oh display. Trading cards flew everywhere! I bent down to help pick up the huge mess and she totally cussed me out and told me not to bother helping! WELL!!! I got up and gladly let her clean it up:) See ya grinch!!!
I got most of my shopping done so all's good. Not much else going on. Steve has been working a lot so it's been pretty hectic! Trying to get things done and find time to get things done is so hard. Kids activities are starting to pile up again so I practically live in the car!
I can't wait to see everyone for Christmas! I feel rather guilty saying this since some family members can't be with us this year(LOSERS), but we will be sure to talk about you as much as possible:) ttfn